The Brentwood Chamber of Commerce recognises the importance of continuous learning and adaptation in today’s dynamic business environment. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of informative and engaging webinars designed to equip you with the latest knowledge, trends, and strategies to propel your business forward.
Get Tough: The New You
Assess yourself in the 19 areas that will build up resilience for you and your business. In this webinar Rupert Miles – MD of Sandler Training, Essex – reviews the behaviours, attitudes and techniques that Davis Sandler believed are consistently demonstrated by high achievers
Supporting Employees who are also Carers
Developing a ‘carer-friendly’ workplace could increase your business resilience through recruitment and retention of staff, lower absence rates and employee wellbeing in the workplace. Veronica Sadowsky of Carers First outlines details of legislation on unpaid carers, how to identify carers, and good practices in the workplace
Commercial Contracts and Consumer Rights
COVID-19 has had an effect on all aspects of business, some of which will have legal implications. With the help solicitor Ana James-Pittau from Tees Law we look at a selection of the legal issues and answer questions relating to commercial contracts and consumer rights.
Open for Business – Q&A with Brentwood Council
Brentwood Council Leader, Cllr Chris Hossack, and Chief Executive, Jonathan Stephenson, outline the plans for re-opening our high streets, the new Brentwood Discretionary Business Grant Scheme, and other programmes to stimulate growth as they lead the local economic recovery.
Preparing for post COVID-19
Sue Potter from S Potter Talent gets you to think about 5 key elements for your business as we move towards the next stage of the COVID-19 crisis, and it’s time to begin preparing for the ‘New World of Work’
A Safe Clean Workplace
Tom Prior of ST Extreme Cleaning discusses various cleaning techniques and services that can be deployed in the workspace while we continue the battle against COVID-19.; with practical advice for employers and employees on how they can help keep their immediate workstation as clean as possible
Bounce Back Marketing
Whether you are just starting out or have been growing your business for a while, one truth remains consistent: you need to prepare for the long haul. Jill Willis of Attract & Engage walks through the steps you can take to prepare marketing activity for the downturn, power through coronavirus, and maintain visibility for long-term growth
Presenting Online
Robin Bailey from Capricorn Media gives some presenting online do’s and don’ts. In this period of lockdown, Robin (a former BBC and ITV Sport presenter and reporter who has been working in the broadcasting industry for 33 years) provides some valuable tips on how to look your best on Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype, Facetime or whatever way you are connecting with your staff, your clients and your potential clients
Is Your Website Working?
During the current crisis, websites have been an even more significant means of communication, and very few businesses operate without one. Now is an excellent time to take a fresh look at your website, and examine whether it is working to its full potential. Kevin Gordon, director of Digital Technology Labs, shares some tips on how to improve your website, and also talks about how to accept online payments
Build Your Business Resilience
Now that we have passed through the initial stage of managing the coronavirus crisis, we need to look at the resilience of our business. Paul Durrant (Founder of PDT Sales Consultancy) is guest speaker in this latest webinar spelling out how to ensure that your business remains resilient, finds new opportunities and manages the current uncertainty
Social Media – The Do’s and Don’ts in a Crisis
During the coronavirus crisis social media has become even more significant. It has always been a fast moving media, and sometimes it can be difficult to keep abreast of how best to utilise it. Emma Goode of 24 fingers is the guest speaker for this webinar to answer any questions about social and how best to use it in the circumstances
Choose Your Attitude
As individuals we have no direct control over the situation in which we have suddenly found ourselves. Chamber of Commerce Chairman Colin Barber explains how you can influence your response – as research indicates that adapting a positive attitude can help us overcome difficult challenges, and indeed turn them into opportunities.
Ask HR – Furlough and Employment Queries
Chamber chairman Colin Barber is joined by guest speaker Lyndsay Salmon, HR Consultant for LSHR Ltd, to provide the latest information and answer questions about the government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. This recording is only available in audio, but as the webinar was primarily audio, it should not detract from the quality of the presentation.
Effective Crisis Management
Chamber chairman Colin Barber is joined by guest speaker Chris Bushell of Smart Support to talk about Effective Crisis Management. Running a business is hard, and when events like Coronavirus take over they can plunge you and your business into crisis. The webinar gives a structure to your thoughts, enabling you to at least see what you need to focus on to make the best of what is a bad situation.
Social Distancing in the Office
Now that discussions are starting about people returning to work it is time to think about various aspects of social distancing in the office, and what that will entail. Guest host Lisa Bliss of Axiom Design – specialists in workplace design – covers returning to the office, including space planning and signage.
You can download Lisa’s Zoom presentation here: Axiom Design Associates Ltd – Thinking of Returning to the Office