Most of you will be familiar with networking, but have you experienced Speed Networking? The benefit of Speed Networking is that it enables you to meet a lot of people in a short space of time, with the objective of finding a few people who you would like to connect with further. The format is structured, so no need to worry about who to talk to or how to approach them. A light buffet lunch will be available after the event, which will give you the opportunity to continue networking. Brentwood Chamber have joined forces with Brentwood Borough Council to...
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r Alice Scott of Essex Private Doctors is a GP and recognised menopause specialist with the British Menopause Society. She will be presenting on this topic and covering aspects of […]
Brentwood Chamber of Commerce Business Breakfast Meetings continue in 2025 at the Marygreen Manor. These meetings are an excellent opportunity to meet your fellow members , increase connections, build collaborations but most importantly to support each other.
r Alice Scott of Essex Private Doctors is a GP and recognised menopause specialist with the British Menopause Society. She will be presenting on this topic and covering aspects of […]
Brentwood Chamber of Commerce Business Breakfast Meetings continue in 2025 at the Marygreen Manor. These meetings are an excellent opportunity to meet your fellow members , increase connections, build collaborations but most importantly to support each other.
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